Profile and Protect
A Software-Based “Smoke Detector” for Cyber-ThreatsOut-of-the-Box Security Profiles
Profile & Protect features pre-built and customizable profiles that tell you exactly what’s needed to protect against certain threat types. These “recipes” identify specific gaps in protection on a client device (e.g. no endpoint protection is installed, poor results of phishing simulation, patches are out-of-date, etc.), helping you identify potential vulnerabilities and take corrective action where needed.
Risk Scoring and Alert Thresholds
Each device also receives a risk score, allowing you to quickly understand how a particular gap in protection impacts the threats you’re trying to protect against. Alert thresholds can be customized, allowing you to clearly articulate acceptable risk on a per-device basis—and tickets are only generated when a risk score exceeds its threshold, eliminating much of the clutter and white noise found in other solutions.
This service provides detailed visibility and risk score analysis for the network in real-time, rather than a semi-annual point in time scan.
Profile and Protect includes:
- Advanced profiling, risk scoring, and identification of gaps in security coverage pro-actively, in real-time.
- Notification for end-points exceeding risk threshold values
- Dashboard monitoring, reporting tools, and “smoke-screen” tools
- Currently available for Windows agents only, not for Mac agents